I love how people have the guts to complain about FREE updates in a SEVEN YEAR OLD game. Be happy they are doing anything at all.
They don't owe us anything, they don't even have to keep the servers up. But still they are, with loads of people just giving them nothing but shit.
And for the same work they put into adding more grind into this game, they probably could have made pvp good again many times over.
What grind are you talking about? I'm sorry for you, if you see an urge to grind in every new content and can't find the actual fun it offers. It's maybe because you play too much daily.
I love how people have the guts to complain about FREE updates in a SEVEN YEAR OLD game. Be happy they are doing anything at all.
They don't owe us anything, they don't even have to keep the servers up. But still they are, with loads of people just giving them nothing but shit.
When I bought the game they said that the game wasn't a grind game. Weapons and levels were balanced out so that every player could compete at the same level. Apparently they lied.
Well, at the time it was barely blip but on the radar, but people who knew, really wanted unconditional weapons. Unconditionals should have never been in the game as they were only obvious choice. A little while later those were taken away leaving a few with a very slight advantage over the rest. Later they up'd the req for some items for what? Collectors? Arena employees who had time to stock up on them. That had very little affect on actual game play, but did allow those who knew and had got them that slightest of advantage.
They initially talked of releasing expansions every 6 months to a year. Lies or optimistic?
They said it would be free to play and that buying the game would give you license to play the game until... Well I don't remember them saying, but Diablo 2 had been out for... IDK, a decade and it was still going (and is apparently still going). According to you support should have stopped at 7 years?
Along the way they released bonus mission packs, costume packs, weapons, pets, etc... People can buy storage slots, make name changes, add mercs to their accounts, etc. People still buy the game and the expansions. I bought trilogys 2 years ago for mules and to give away to friends. Even if the other reasons weren't enough, the ones in this paragraph are plenty for them to continue to support this game and community. So they may not owe you, but they owe me.
There's more....
GW2 is directly tied to gw1 via the HALL OF MONUMENTS. Do you think they made all this extra grind to keep us happy? No. They did it so those who went through all this extra grind would feel the need to reap the rewards by buying gw2. They also wanted to see how many hoops they could make us jump through, right! They needed to keep gw1 relevant cuz WoW is an option and other games keep coming out. Come on D3!!!! If they would have done more wik/woc type stuff instead of the grinds, I wouldn't be buying d3 btw. I'm getting both, but pushing my friends and fam towards d3 (at least a dozen people so far). My payback for rangers and for grind. -Guild Death that MuthaRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing ranger.
Don't tell us not to complain. You can sit and be quiet if you want.
Back to april fools...
Just as I complain about the grind and lack of new content, I applaud the well thought out and fun content they provided for fools day. They do it right every so often. Today was a shining example of that.
About the "complaining about free content". We should be happy about every update they do just cause they do it? Feedback is always important for future development, I think expressing your opinion is right and useful. That's not complaining.
And I'm mainly worried about how much the game has changed from its original model, for me it's becoming a game not better than all the others around, while I've always thought nothing could compare to it. So no, I'm not sitting here being happy for new content, I'm rather ignoring all the future new content seeing the direction it's taking and replaying good old stuff, even if for the millionth time. I prefer a good, even if old, soup than a new bad-tasting one.
Talking about time wasted I agree. They use a lot of time to program new skills for quests you do once, both for players and foes, while it seems class rebalances are submerged deep into a swamp. Honestly, I'm even happier when they do a simple bug fix (you know, the ones about which people always says "boo waste of time, make new content/balances instead"). Considering how desperately some professions need attention (ele half update imho just messed things up, with the change of elites but the rest all the same) and, even if I don't care about it, pvp too is in a bad state, I'd rather have just some char figure conversion (stick figures, gwen, dimensions, ecc) for a single day but good updates that influence everything for the rest of the gametime.
When I bought the game they said that the game wasn't a grind game. Weapons and levels were balanced out so that every player could compete at the same level. Apparently they lied.
Well, at the time it was barely blip but on the radar, but people who knew, really wanted unconditional weapons. Unconditionals should have never been in the game as they were only obvious choice. A little while later those were taken away leaving a few with a very slight advantage over the rest. Later they up'd the req for some items for what? Collectors? Arena employees who had time to stock up on them. That had very little affect on actual game play, but did allow those who knew and had got them that slightest of advantage.
They initially talked of releasing expansions every 6 months to a year. Lies or optimistic?
They said it would be free to play and that buying the game would give you license to play the game until... Well I don't remember them saying, but Diablo 2 had been out for... IDK, a decade and it was still going (and is apparently still going). According to you support should have stopped at 7 years?
Along the way they released bonus mission packs, costume packs, weapons, pets, etc... People can buy storage slots, make name changes, add mercs to their accounts, etc. People still buy the game and the expansions. I bought trilogys 2 years ago for mules and to give away to friends. Even if the other reasons weren't enough, the ones in this paragraph are plenty for them to continue to support this game and community. So they may not owe you, but they owe me.
There's more....
GW2 is directly tied to gw1 via the HALL OF MONUMENTS. Do you think they made all this extra grind to keep us happy? No. They did it so those who went through all this extra grind would feel the need to reap the rewards by buying gw2. They also wanted to see how many hoops they could make us jump through, right! They needed to keep gw1 relevant cuz WoW is an option and other games keep coming out. Come on D3!!!! If they would have done more wik/woc type stuff instead of the grinds, I wouldn't be buying d3 btw. I'm getting both, but pushing my friends and fam towards d3 (at least a dozen people so far). My payback for rangers and for grind. -Guild Death that MuthaRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing ranger.
Don't tell us not to complain. You can sit and be quiet if you want.
Back to april fools...
Just as I complain about the grind and lack of new content, I applaud the well thought out and fun content they provided for fools day. They do it right every so often. Today was a shining example of that.
Hilarious post, couldn't take any of it seriously. Who thinks of these conspiracies lol? Do more drugs.
"That is the players fault, not ANets. Too many players think titles mean more than enjoying a game."
Hahahahah, good sir or madam, that is some intense BS. I don't think the players of this game deserve to be regarded this way.
It was Anet who typed in the numbers for the quest rewards and toggled "repeatable" on. Don't shovel the blame off of those who are responsible. People are going to farm where it's possible because that's how some people play the game, I'm not saying that's a very fun thing to have going on during a holiday, but it's because of Anet's decisions, not players just doing what they're gonna do. Anet made a farming quest and if they really did overlook the potential for this with those numbers, that's kind of sad.
I'm the laziest player around and even I was thinking about doing it a couple times to reach lvl 5 Vangaurd. 2k in a couple minutes is ridiculous, how could there be an oversight there??
EDIT: This was AFTER I finished enjoying the content. So yes, players can prioritize enjoying the content over titles.
What grind are you talking about? I'm sorry for you, if you see an urge to grind in every new content and can't find the actual fun it offers. It's maybe because you play too much daily.
Oh look, someone completely failed to grasp the point of the post.
Went through it once and enjoyed it. Farmed a couple of cakes and ciders for 2 or 3 toons that still need the scavenger hunt.
Really the only April Fools event I didn't like was the one in which we were all stick figures - kind of gave me a headache. But it was only for a day so no big deal.
Personally i think anet does fairly gd - All the shop content is optional ( many players in a few months usually have all skills unlocked in 1 way or another ) and the costumes etc dont have any impact on the game.We dont pay subscriptions and unlike wow ( from ex wow players ) who seems to shut down for hrs when doing updates , our updates are usually live and in 5 yrs of gw i can only recall maybe 4 times max when gw has properly been offline due to major update or server/database moves.
Anet does try to keep things fair within the game - eg adding skeletons and dhuum to uw to slow down sc`ers.
And when they do skill updates its either bad because the skills that get changed are widely abused err used .Remember when they reverted sf and for several days uw was rampaged by sin farmers ecto farming - everyone , well most ppl were making sins to do just that.
i don't want to make a new thread as all of them seem to get deleted, don't understand why mods are going to such length to prevent people discussing this but is the early start and extension of the sweet treat weekend part of April fools? can anyone explain why drop began early this year?
i don't want to make a new thread as all of them seem to get deleted, don't understand why mods are going to such length to prevent people discussing this but is the early start and extension of the sweet treat weekend part of April fools? can anyone explain why drop began early this year?
It's the week of Easter. Why shouldn't candy be dropping?
Went through it once and enjoyed it. Farmed a couple of cakes and ciders for 2 or 3 toons that still need the scavenger hunt.
Really the only April Fools event I didn't like was the one in which we were all stick figures - kind of gave me a headache. But it was only for a day so no big deal.
If you like the quest - cool, play it.
If you don't, skip it.
I liked it - thanks ANet.
My version, just to emphasize the point :
Went through it once and thought "meh, whatever." Didn't farm anything.
I've enjoyed every April Fools event, but the stick figure one was probably the least enjoyable. But it was only for a day so no big deal.
because over the last 5years the event lasted 2 days and this year it is 7.
a mod in ember beach reported personally setting the event to start early.
i got a SS will add when i get on my main pc.
not sure who it was as they were posting in all chat without a name